Our network of partners is composed of the best-of-breed systems integrators
who provide customers with support in implementing any Azimuth Soft solution
The Most Innovative Partner Program in TV Broadcasting, Evolved
The Azimuth Soft Performance Partner Program framework provides an ideal set of benefits
you can leverage to successfully develop, bring to market, sell and deploy your distinct workflow solution.
The framework features programs to drive awareness of your solution,
support to help test your solution and opportunities to collaborate
in order to drive sales revenue and grow your business.
Brand Integrity
Innovative Approach
Perfomance Partner Rebate
Bespoke Trainings
User-friendly Technology
The Best Quality-Price Ratio
Sales & Marketing Support
Unmatched Technical Assistance
We are driven by our customers’ need to connect with their business processes and information
From an unparalleled range of state-of-the-art TV broadcast solutions to workflow process and performance solutions, we have seen how even small changes in a highly scalable environment can make a huge improvement across the entire industry. With new and evolving technologies the TV broadcasting industry is experiencing significant challenges that require deep customer insight, skill and dedication, and above all, collaboration.
We believe we can meet challenges and achieve tremendous business success together
We’ve taken the best practices and solutions and incorporated them into our partner program framework. Our integrated, future-minded partner program is optimally designed to support our partners in growing their business. We believe that together we can lead the change and meet the challenges that our industry is experiencing while achieving tremendous business success together.